Design for the people.

When companies like Heineken, Jordan & KFC need help with product design & strategy, they come to us.

An icon showing validation stage in ui/ux design


Quickly find out if you are solving a big enough problem for the masses

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An icon showing the ideation stage in ui/ux design


Build and strategize a plan to liven your dreams

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An image showing the growth stage in ui/ux design


Get on the right track by meeting customer needs while generating income

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An image showing the expansion stage in ui/ux design


Grow beyond what you have and stay ahead of the competition

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Not sure what you need?

We’re here to help

85+ projects backed by successful designs

25+ industries across the globe

Frequently asked questions


What are the benefits of UI/UX design services?

Products that solve real problems will attract users, increasing your audience pool and gaining revenue.

At Lizard Global, we highlight the importance of listening to the users as part of our user experience design process. We approach product building with human-centered design, reducing time and monetary wastage. We believe that building a product that solves your user’s problems will benefit the end-users as well as your business in the long run.

Thanks to our Agile Methodologies, we are able to quickly adapt with trends as time goes by, allowing us to test our designs with potential users and make improvements in a short period of time. Through this process of designing and testing, we visualize what is valuable and what is not worth pursuing.


Should I go for UI or UX services?

Depending on what you are looking for, our UI and UX services are able to cater to your needs.

UX services We cover everything from discovering and defining user problems, through ux strategy methods like user persona, user interview, card sorting, user journey mapping and the main bulk of what we do - wireframing. Our goal is to ensure we focus on defining the right problems in order to devise the right solutions. We will work with the trend and keep up to date with the latest market needs.

UI services As for our UI service, we specialize in transforming your wireframes into aesthetically pleasing mockups. Our team will develop a style guide and component library, as well as provide all necessary assets. We will also allow you to experience the final product in prototype form. Often, both UX and UI services go hand-in-hand.


I have an idea for an app, but I don't know how to start. What can I do?

Got a game-changing idea of a digital product you would like to start? Or you are already there, but are facing roadblocks in terms of lining out the details and steps to make your mobile or web app idea into reality?

Our Design Thinking workshop is designed to specifically kickstart your unique app launch process. Our workshops are rapid and focused. User interface Designers will work together with you as a team to tackle challenges, and work together towards your goal through design, prototyping and usability testing. What’s even better, we offer both remote and in-person workshops!


Are marketing and branding part of UI/UX design?

Yes, but we happily work with assets you have or will make available. Creating visually appealing mockups often includes content, marketing and branding strategizing.

Visual identity is a vital component of establishing a positive user experience, which is why we perform thorough research, including competitive analysis, prior to creating a branding strategy best tailored to your target audience. We include illustrations, style guide, iconography, and animations where needed, as part of the UI/UX design service you will use.

If you are already or planning to hire another branding agency for your mobile or web applications, we are also able to complement their services seamlessly, incorporating branding colors, typography and logo designs with our designs (e.g. wireframes) to create beautiful end-products for you.


Can our UI/UX designers design for websites & mobile apps?

We design (& develop) UI/UX designs for web applications and mobile applications. A web application is an application software that is accessed using a web browser (e.g. on chrome, safari, bing etc.). A mobile application is a type of application software designed to run on mobile devices (download-able through app store or play store). Check out some of our works for more examples!


How will our collaboration in Product Design look like?

The Lizard Global team, consisting of a Designer and a Product Owner will work closely with you and your team throughout the entire project in an Agile, Lean and Scrum Methodologies. You will receive regular updates and documentations on the progress of your project. Our collaborative approach means that the team will work together to discuss our strategy and directions to take with the project. We believe that the best products are created through team effort and collaboration!


How much does a UI/UX design service charge?

Understanding your company's requirements for design work is essential before starting a user experience design project. Clients do not need to be experienced designers themselves, but they should have an overall concept of what they are seeking.


The partnerships that matter, and the success that follows