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In our recurring “meet the clients” blog series, we sit down with one of our inspiring partners to talk about their business and their experience of partnering up with Lizard Global. This week, we had a chat with one of our innovative partners Frederic, CEO and founder of the innovative Bricklinq, a revolutionary digital solution in the real estate industry.

First of all, who are you? What do you do?

“My name is Frederic Marcillaud, COO and co-founder of Airturb, and CEO and founder of Bricklinq.”

Tell us something about Bricklinq

“Bricklinq is a digital environment to help real estate owners manage their properties. By providing a single place to store and maintain important documents and information, the application allows users to access and manage their property information in an online secured centralized environment. Looking into the future, Bricklinq will expand to help property managers, housing corporations, and individual landlords manage their properties and property portfolios.”

What problems/challenges did you/your customers face that made you look for a digital solution?

“The real estate market is currently facing a lot of challenges. Buying real estate has never been so difficult. What are you actually buying right now? And how do we prepare for successful sales when the market stabilizes again? The demand for data insights and cutting-edge digital solutions has grown exponentially in recent years, except in real estate. The industry requires a heightened level of openness, transparency, and above all, the ability to act quickly if something goes wrong. This need doesn’t only appear on the side of property management, but also on the side of the house owners and end-users.”

How did you come up with Bricklinq as a digital solution for your customers?

“Cars have a maintenance record. If you bring your car to the garage, they know every detail about the car. Strangely enough, we know too little about our house. This information is usually randomly scattered throughout the house. Receipts from the fridge from 3 years ago have faded, and nobody knows which plumber came by last time. It made sense to come up with a solution for house owners to centralize all the information about their property in one single location. By providing a digital solution, everyone with a mobile device can access their house’s data whenever and wherever they want.”

How did you get in touch with Lizard Global?

“We are both working in the CIC office in Rotterdam. Thanks to the wonders of a communal coffee corner, I came in touch with Jeremy and his team. After sharing some ideas, we both saw a unique opportunity, and that was the start of a great partnership.”

How did you experience working together with Lizard Global?

“I picked Lizard Global as my digital partner for this project, mainly because they gave me the feeling I could trust in the fact that they would be up for a challenge like this. We started the project with some innovative brainstorming sessions, thinking of potential technical implementations that could greatly optimize the user experience of Bricklinq. After that, we made sure to obtain the capital needed for the development of the project, and then developers started working on the first MVP of the Bricklinq app. At the moment, our partnership is still a work in progress, arriving in the last phase of development.”

In what ways did Bricklinq solve the problem you/your customers were facing?

“The application is currently still in the development phase, moving through the last crucial steps before introducing it to the market. During our partnership, we made sure to thoroughly research the needs of the end-users and the opportunities within the market. Because of that, we have a deep trust in the fact that Bricklinq can really make a change and reshape the real estate industry for the better.”

Where would you like to see Bricklinq in 10 years?

“In ten years, I’d like to see Bricklinq used as the go-to digital solution for larger real estate businesses, providing the best possible digital property management services in the country, and beyond.”

Meet more clients!

Want to read more about our partners, their applications and their experience of working together with Lizard Global? Check out Nicole’s interview about her app “Retiink”. Have a look at “Globiz”, the digital business card application we developed together with Stefan and Carmen. Find out more about our partnership with Transvision and the development of VaxiTaxi, or get to know Ferdi, founder of Flexpackerz and long-term partner of Lizard Global. Want to read about our experience with smart contracts? Check out our interview with Contract Chain!

Keen on partnering up with Lizard Global and having your very own interview and business success case obtain a place in the spotlights on our website? Get in touch, and let’s get to know each other!

Frequently asked questions



Wat houdt the vastgoed industrie in?

Het concept "vastgoed" verwijst naar land en de gebouwen op dat land. De vastgoedsector omvat vele aspecten van onroerend goed, zoals ontwikkeling, leasing, taxatie, marketing en beheer van commercieel, residentieel, agrarisch en industrieel onroerend goed.


Wat betekent digitale transformatie?

De term digitale transformatie verwijst naar de verschuiving van offline processen naar digitale processen om deze processen te optimaliseren en een betere klantervaring te garanderen. Bijvoorbeeld door het gebruik van technologieën die bepaalde processen die voorheen handmatig werden uitgevoerd te automatiseren.


Hoe werkt een digitale transformatie?

Wanneer een bedrijf beslists om een volledige of gedeeltelijke digitale transformatie te ondergaan, komen ze samen met een professionele partner die help met de ontwikkeling van de nodige software en het onder de knie krijgen van deze nieuwe software implementatie.


Wat zijn voorbeelden van de digitale transformatie van de vastgoed industrie?

  • Onderling verbonden en op afstand bestuurbare smart devices en IoT
  • Digitale dashboards voor inzichten in data over de woning
  • Smart contracts voor het ondertekenen van huur- en koopcontracten
  • Gecentraliseerde en digitale vastgoedbeheersystemen
  • Virtual reality-huisrondleidingen
    - AI-aangedreven beeldherkenning voor het efficiënt creëren van vastgoed portfolios
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Global Commercial Director | | +60 18 35 65 702

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