Contributor - Kaz, Head of Product Owners & Nadiy, Senior Content Writer
22 Nov, 2024

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Key Takeaways

  • Vision and Framework: A strong and adaptable framework is essential for driving behavior change.
  • Scalability Matters: Manual processes can be effective but are limited; scalable platforms amplify impact.
  • Collaboration is Key: Finding the right development partner can make or break a project.
  • Customization Drives Success: Flexible solutions cater to diverse client needs.
  • Technology Enables Growth: A well-designed platform can transform a vision into a scalable reality.

The Brains Behind The App: Judo Champion, Olympic Athlete & Behavior Change Expert

Anthonie Wurth, a former judo Olympian, spent years mastering the discipline, focus, and progression that his sport demanded. Yet, as with many elite athletes, there came a time when he had to step off the mat and look toward the future. For Anthonie, that future meant channeling his deep understanding of personal growth into a broader mission: helping others achieve behavioral change in a structured and impactful way.

Inspired by the belt system in judo, where clear milestones mark progress and mastery, Anthonie envisioned a similar framework for behavior change. The idea was simple yet transformative: create a template that could guide individuals to form new habits, adapt to challenges, and build lasting skills. This template could then be tailored to address various goals, making it applicable across different fields.

However, turning this vision into reality was no small task. Anthonie's journey—marked by trial, error, and eventual success—highlights the power of persistence, innovation, and the right digital partner.

The Beginning: From Judo Principles to Behavior Change

Anthonie started small, applying his framework to help individuals one-on-one. He worked manually, creating custom programs to address specific behaviors or challenges. This method was deeply personal and effective but limited in scale. He could only work with a handful of clients at a time, leaving many without access to his unique approach. Seeking to expand his reach, Anthonie partnered with a digital agency to create a scalable solution.

Unfortunately, the collaboration didn’t produce the results he had hoped for. Years of effort led to little to no progress, and the project ultimately fell short of his expectations leaving him on the verge of losing his loyal clients. Undeterred, Anthonie remained steadfast in his commitment to finding a way to share his vision with a broader audience.

The Challenge: Scaling Without Compromising Quality

For Anthonie, the next step was clear: find a digital partner who could translate his vision into a digital platform that retained the effectiveness of his personal approach while reaching more people.

The challenges were significant:

  • Scalability: The solution needed to serve both individuals and organizations, adapting to different use cases.
  • Customization: Each client had unique needs, requiring flexibility in program design and delivery.
  • Usability: The platform needed to be intuitive and accessible to ensure participant engagement.

The Solution: A Powerful Online Platform

In his search for a suitable digital partner, Anthonie got to know about Lizard Global, and having met the team he was confident that they could realize his vision. True to their reputation, within just three months, Lizard Global brought his vision to life. The result - a cutting-edge online platform designed to deliver his behavior-change framework in an interactive and scalable way.

The platform caters to three distinct user groups:

Admin Dashboard

  • Build and manage programs from scratch.
  • Onboard organizations and individuals.
  • Create custom forms, assessments, and surveys to evaluate progress.

Participant Dashboard

  • Access a personalized dashboard showing active programs, progress bars, and unlock schedules.
  • Utilize habit-forming tools, such as routine trackers and editable worksheets.
  • Complete structured forms, including open-ended reflections, knowledge assessments, and editable worksheets for ongoing updates.

Organization Management

  • Organizations can onboard participants, manage their progress, and access insights through tailored tools.

The platform’s phased approach ensures that participants move through their programs at the right pace, unlocking new challenges and tasks after a set duration. This structured progression mirrors the discipline and incremental mastery of judo, making it both engaging and effective.

Impact: Customized Solutions for Diverse Needs

One of the platform’s greatest strengths is its adaptability. By applying a consistent framework, Anthonie can customize solutions for various client needs.

For example, the platform has been used to help visually impaired or blind individuals develop habits and skills that improve their employability. In this scenario, Anthonie worked closely with the client to tailor the program, ensuring that it addressed specific challenges while leveraging the strengths of the participants.

While Lizard Global spent an extensive amount of time researching and testing the software and UI/UX with visually impaired and blind users. This allowed them to better understand the needs and thought processes of these users to ensure they are able to navigate the platform with ease

The outcomes of My New Behavior’s programs vary from client to client, but the overarching impact is clear: individuals gain the tools and confidence needed to create lasting change in their lives.

Looking Ahead

While the current platform is already a powerful tool, Anthonie’s journey is far from over. Future plans include advanced dashboards, more sophisticated analytics, and additional features to enhance participant engagement.

By continuing to innovate, the platform will remain at the forefront of behavior-change technology, empowering more people to achieve their goals.

Partner with Lizard Global to Scale Your Vision

Anthonie’s story underscores the importance of collaboration, resilience, and the right digital partner. At Lizard Global, we specialize in helping clients like Anthonie turn ambitious ideas into scalable digital solutions . From understanding your unique needs to delivering a fully functional platform, we provide the expertise, creativity, and commitment needed to bring your vision to life.

If you have a groundbreaking idea that requires innovative technology, let us help you make it a reality. Together, we can build solutions that drive real impact. Get in touch today

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Frequently asked questions



Wat is een schaalbaar platform voor gedragsverandering?

Een schaalbaar platform voor gedragsverandering is een digitale oplossing die gestructureerde programma's levert om individuen te helpen nieuwe gewoonten te ontwikkelen en persoonlijke groei te bereiken. Het is ontworpen om een ​​breed publiek te bereiken zonder dat dit ten koste gaat van de effectiviteit.


Hoe kan technologie gedragsverandering ondersteunen?

Technologie biedt hulpmiddelen zoals het bijhouden van voortgang, gewoontevormende oefeningen en gestructureerde leertrajecten, waardoor deelnemers betrokken en verantwoordelijk kunnen blijven.


Welke industrieën kunnen profiteren van platforms voor gedragsverandering?

Deze platforms zijn veelzijdig en kunnen worden toegepast in sectoren zoals het onderwijs, de gezondheidszorg, bedrijfsopleidingen en persoonlijke ontwikkeling.


Welke functies moet een platform voor gedragsverandering bevatten?

Belangrijke functies zijn onder meer het bijhouden van voortgang, aanpasbare programma's, interactieve dashboards, gewoonte-trackers en flexibele beoordelingstools.


Hoe kies ik de juiste ontwikkelingspartner voor mijn platform?

Zoek een partner met expertise in schaalbare oplossingen, een sterk trackrecord en het vermogen om uw visie te begrijpen en erop af te stemmen.
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Global Commercial Director | | +60 18 35 65 702

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